I started drinking in college, and kept it up for almost forty years. I wasn’t addicted to alcohol, but I can certainly say that I was an “undisciplined drinker.” Not only did I occasionally drink more than appropriate, but I often hid my drinking from my wife and from others.
One day I had a “wake up call.” Unfortunately it came from a table saw (read the excerpt below and you'll find out more). I realized that my drinking was interfering with my growth as a follower of Christ, and so I decided to stop drinking...forever.
As I reflected on my use/abuse of alcohol, and how I hid my drinking habits, I began writing a book titled Why We Hide. It’s about why we hide our wrongdoing because of guilt, fear, shame and embarrassment. We have an enemy who capitalizes on this scenario, and his desire is to separate us from God and from our communities.
My desire is to help people who are stuck in a habitual sin. God made a path away from the bondage those behaviors create. Here’s how Christ described His role on Earth in Luke 4:18: "To proclaim liberty to the captives and heal the brokenhearted."
Liberty and healing begin with confession. That confession requires courage but it’s so necessary.
The button on the left below will take you to a PDF of the first three chapters of Why We Hide. If you would like to order a copy of the book, the button on the right will take you to the book's page on Amazon.