Here’s my elevator speech for biblical counsel:
“Everyone’s got issues...take me for example. Like you, I’ve got baggage from my family of origin as well as my own self-initiated bad habits of thoughts and resulting actions. I need reminders from God’s Word that specifically address my personal stuff. Biblical counsel is “targeted discipleship” focused on each individual’s particular weakness.”
A biblical counselor “exhorts” their counselees. That sounds painful, right? Sometimes it might feel that way, but most often, it’s filled with hope. Here’s a definition of exhortation: “To strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.”
That’s my work in a nutshell. Most often, my counsel (based on Scripture) is for a counselee to re-consider how they think, because those thoughts direct actions in their life, either for good or for bad.
Humans can get stuck, and when we do get stuck, life feels hopeless. If we look to God’s Word and follow it (obey it!), we can get un-stuck, and that brings hope.
My prayer is that I might help you get un-stuck and find that hope.